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Philatelia Medica 215

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The lung is an amazing organ that has adapted to a wide variety of habitats over the course of evolution. Whether fish, amphibians, birds or mammals – each animal group has developed unique solutions for breathing. In addition to taking in oxygen, the lungs also fulfill exciting additional functions: They are used to produce sound, as in night owls, enable echolocation in whales and dolphins and help dogs to regulate their temperature. It even plays a role in sexual selection in birds. The diversity shows how flexibly nature can adapt basic functions to different requirements.


Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most dangerous infectious diseases with 10.8 million cases and 1.25 million deaths in 2023. Poorer countries are particularly affected, where poverty and multi-resistant TB strains make it difficult to combat the disease. With its “End TB” strategy, the WHO is focusing on prevention, innovation and stronger healthcare systems, but progress is slow. COVID-19 has exacerbated the situation as health systems have been overwhelmed. Despite modern treatments, TB remains a global threat – medically and socially.


Asbestos, once an economically important material, is now a global health hazard. Despite known risks, it is still used in many countries, while others, such as Canada, have dared to phase it out. The long-term effects, such as lung diseases, often affect those affected decades later. Handling is particularly risky in demolition work, where protective measures are essential. Although bans and regulations are in place, asbestos remains a global problem with long-term consequences.