Topical Working Group
“Medicine and Pharmacy”
Welcome to the website of our working group (ArGe) Medicine and Pharmacy. We have come together here in this ArGe because we are fascinated by the possibility to illustrate medical and pharmaceutical topics as well as their history with philatelic covers. Our members come from Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, Switzerland and the USA. Therefore we now communicate more and more via the new media – especially the internet and offer to all our members:
- a weekly newsletter with descriptions of interesting covers
- a quarterly newsletter (Medicine: Philatelia Medica; Pharmacy: Löwen-Zahn (also printed and sent to members)) with articles, selected ones of which will now also be available on this homepage
- a monthly virtual lecture on current topics of the society, illustrated with philatelic covers
- assistance in all matters concerning “medical philately”: exhibits, promotional events, exchange and search of covers
- a Delcampe store where covers donated to us are offered for sale for the benefit of the ArGe.