- Serie: COVID-19 : Hommage to the heros
- Issue date: 2021-07
- Colors: Multicolor
- Format: Mini-sheet
- Emission: Commemorative
- Printing: Offset-Lithography
- Face value: 2*3 ر.س – Saudi-Riyal
- Serie: Skyline Greenery (2021)
- Issue date: 2021-07-01
- Size: 30 x 81.75 mm
- Colors: Multicolor
- Designers: Wong Wui Kong
- Format: Commemorative
- Perforation: 13
- Printing: Offset lithography
- Face value: 1.40 $ – Singapore dollar
- Stamp: Cancer is curable – Radan Džodić
- Issue date: 2021-07-06
- Colors: Multicolor
- Perforation:13¼
- Printing: Offset lithography
- Face value: 10 din – Serbian dinar
Prof Dr Radan Dzodic was a full professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade and former director of the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. He was born in Golija in 1952. He was also Vice-President of the World Federation of Oncological Surgical Associations. Professor Dzodic was a specialist in thyroid and breast tumor surgery and was considered one of the best in his field. He died of covid-19 in 2020.
- Issue date: 2021-07-15
- Size: 31.25 x 25 mm
- Colors: Multicolor
- Designer: Poczta Polska S.A.
- Format: Commemorative
- Printing: Offsetprint
- Face value: 4,70 zł – Polnischer Złoty
- Print run: 2.000.000
- Stamp: 100 Jahre Entdeckung des Insulins
- Issue date: 2021-07-27
- Size: 69 x 36 mm
- Colors: Multicolor
- Designers: Marise Silva
- Format: Commemorative
- Perforation: die-cut
- Printing: Offset Lithography
- Self-Adhesive
- Face value: 1a Porte Carta º – No Face Value
- Print run: 200,000
- Serie: 200 years general hospital Singapore
- Issue date: 2021-07-30
- Size: 41 x 30 mm
- Colors: Multicolor
- Designer : Leeyau Chun Chua
- Format: Commemorative
- Perforation: 13
- Printing: Offset-Lithography
- Face value: 1. Lokale º – No Face value