Vortrag Briefmarkensammeln

Collecting stamps – but how?

C.M. Brandstetter

Summary: Stamps enjoy a certain popularity again. But one has to distinguish between investment and pastime. Some want to put a status symbol in their safe or “spread” their form of investment with stamps or letters – just in case, so to speak. This first type of collecting usually has nothing to do with interest or research, it lacks the hardly describable passion of hunting for unique specimens, unknown plate errors or rarely used postmarks. The goal for perfection of a collection of stamps of a country from catalog number 1 to 1346 exhausts itself at some point, if one has enough money and is willing to spend it. At some point, it comes to an end, especially when the issuing policy of a country or a post office is guided only by economic return.
To avoid this frustration, here are a few forms of collecting, which depend not only on the material circumstances, but especially on the imagination of the collector, his interests and his inquisitiveness.
Date: October 25, 2021
Time: 19:00 (7 p.m.)
Duration of the lecture: approx. 45 min plus 15 min discussion (if desired)


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